Makers Paris is the Paris of artists and of ideas, the Paris of lovers and of families, the Paris of freedom. The Paris we love is an open place, where there’s room for discussion, for projects, for dreams, and especially room for the heart. These are the engines of a city.
What matters to us is a city’s local ecosystem of artists, artisans and ideas people. That’s what gives a place meaning, what brings it to life. We’re concerned with sincerity, quality of life, craft and community.
With making, not faking.
Life in Paris | Life on Earth | Made by Humans
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Kate van den Boogert, kate@mkrs.family
Mkrs. Paris Shop
6 rue Thorel, 75002 Paris
Come say hi!
Press Relations
Laurence Alvart, Stage of the Art, laurence.alvart@stageoftheart.net